Who’s behind this page? What’s it for?
Decision in collaboration with Comunicando Vida launched www.unaoracionpor.es to promote prayer for the towns of Spain without evangelical witness and offer tools such as videos, photos and statistics of the most needy places. To learn more about these organizations you can visit their websites: www.decision.plus and comunicandovida.com.
How are these data researched?
Decision since its inception 36 years ago, has been researching the need for evangelical witness in the various regions of Spain. Juan Blake has been the driving force behind this project, which has taken the form of brochures, conferences, websites and all kinds of resources to mobilize believers towards the unreached towns without Evangelical Church. The research process consists of the analysis of various sources with lists of places of worship in Spain, personal surveys of pastors and denominational leaders and field exploration. This research focuses only on villages with more than 5,000 inhabitants because we understand they are the priority now, but there are thousands of smaller villages that also lack testimony and they too need the Gospel.
Why has this been done?
Many Spaniards are unaware of the reality of the evangelical reality in their land. In Latin America and North America there is a cry to God for Spain. Many churches around the world share this concern and pray for God to work and the Gospel to advance. At the same time, there are few tools that provide concrete and updated data on these towns without evangelical ministry. This website fills that gap with the goal of having the towns adopted and sponsored. By “adopting” we refer to the commitment to pray and evangelize the people until there is a church and by “sponsoring” the commitment to pray frequently so that there will soon be testimony.
What resources does the site offer?
There are videos about the most needy regions that consist of a short documentary and a short prayer. Information from Wikipedia about history, demographics, and the rest of the encyclopedia has been incorporated. In addition, the website will continue to grow in the future with new resources and the contributions of those who visit it. Your prayers and commitments will help the advance of the Gospel until the testimony of Christ reaches the corners of ….
To whom can I send it?
Decision and Comunicando Vida encourage all those who are interested in praying for Spain to share this website with any person, entity, church or mission that wants to participate in the progress of the Gospel in Spain, supporting this work both in prayer and, perhaps, sending workers to the areas of greatest need.