Decision work is maintained with the offerings it receives from those who identify with its mission. Announcing the Good News, developing evangelistic tools, training and activities entail expenses, as well as time and effort.
To invest in Decision is to invest in the Kingdom of Heaven. Our ability to act depends largely on funding, so we encourage you to collaborate with us with your offerings. It is a privilege to be able to participate in the growth of the kingdom in areas that we could not reach personally.
Remember that all offerings are tax deductible on the Income Tax Return and that our finances are audited by an external auditor every year. If you want to give now you can.
Titular | Comunidad Cristiana Evangelica Decision |
Dirección | Calle Mequinenza, 20 Local – 28022 Madrid, Spain |
Nombre Banco | BANCO SANTANDER |
Direc. Banco | LOPEZ DE HOYOS, 135 – MADRID 28002, SPAIN |
IBAN | ES47 |
Número cuenta | 0049 1828 25 2410167951 |
Swift Code | BSCHESMM |
Por favor, envía el justificante de ingreso a indicando el proyecto o persona destinataria del donativo.